Our Community
We love the opportunity to be involved in our Abington community.
We are thrilled to have the space to host a variety of organizations in the Abington community in our Parish Hall and other meeting rooms.
Girl Scouts & Boy Scouts
We're proud to host troops from the Girl Scouts of Eastern MA and the Mayflower Council of the Boy Scouts of America.
Alcoholics Anonymous
AA has aided many on their road to recovery. Meeting times at UCC and other meetings in the community can be found on Sober.com.
Abington Garden Club
The gardening enthusiasts of the Abington Garden Club meet for a monthly luncheon and lecture at the UCC.
Abington Celebrates
As Abington's oldest church, it's only fitting that we join in celebrating our town at the various Abington Celebrates events each year.
From hosting the Spring kickoff barbecue each year, to the Oktoberfest market in the Fall, we love to be a part of celebrating the community.